Halloween: Customs, Recipes & Spells [Paperback]
Product Details
- Paperback: 240 pages
- Publisher: Llewellyn Publications (September 8, 1999)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1567187196
- ISBN-13: 978-1567187199
Product Dimensions:
9.1 x 7.5 x 0.9 inches
- Shipping Weight: 14.9 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
- Average Customer Review:3.9 out of 5 stars style="margin-left:-3px">See all reviews (82 customer reviews)
Editorial Reviews
From the Publisher
The end of October is one of my favorite times of the year. Here in Minnesota the leaves have turned from green to yellow, orange and red, and blown to the ground, leaving bare trees silhouetted against the autumn sky. The air, as if sighing in relief from relentless summer heat, has turned to blustery chill. And it's time for one of the most fun holidays of the year, Halloween.
There are two aspects to this holiday, the ancient spiritual traditions and the fun and silliness. Someone may jump out and yell, "Boo!" but the shrieks of surprise and fear turn into shrieks of laughter. All of this is covered in Silver RavenWolf's book Halloween.
Whether you are eight or one-hundred-and-eight, you're going to love this book. If you are interested in the spiritual and historic side of Halloween, you'll find the history and lore of the holiday in these pages, including how the modern traditions evolved from the ancient ones.
And if you're into fun, you'll find it here, too. There are all sorts of easy divinations to find out what the future will bring. You can do them with common items like a bowl of water or the pumpkin seeds from the jack-o'-lantern you carved. The book also gives recipes you can make, including Angel's Dreams and Wishes Pumpkin, Witches' Flying Mix and Sugar Snakes in Graveyard Dust. They're all tasty, easy-to-make, and delicious.
Also included are spells for doing Halloween magick. You'll find love spells and protection spells, house blessing spells, prosperity spells and many more. On a serious note, you'll see how there is a long tradition of honoring the departed on this night of the year. You'll be able to perform these rituals, too.
This is the most complete book ever on Halloween, and I think it is perfect of families and individuals alike.
Customer Reviews
See all 82 customer reviews
I enjoyed this book thoroughly. For the modern practitioner, its important to have books like this to help remind us that magick isn't all about seriousness! I feel this book is legitimate and embraces innocence in life.
Silver proposes wonderful ways to celebrate Halloween in a fun, simple and magickal manner. I'm tired of huffy puffy books that are uptight and oh-so-serious. It's good to see that Silver hasn't fallen to cynicism in both her writing and her magick.
What I really enjoyed was the history on Halloween. She takes you through each age and explains how Halloween was during that time frame, proving that Halloween (though it was not known as such back in the day) is older than Christmas!
Personally, I'm relieved that this book was upbeat and fun. Some call it childish, but it's probably for the better. I'd have the living beegeezus scared outta me if someone chucked a bunch of serious and solemn rituals at me to do on what's been known as the scariest night of the year! This book has helped me see Halloween in a healthier light.
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